Market Research Cameroon

market research cameroon field-africa-agency-fieldwork-map

Market Research in Cameroon – Fast Facts

  1. Population: 18.4 mil [58]* (14)**
  2. GDP: $ 40.24 billion [91] (11)
  3. GDP – Real Growth Rate: 2.7%
  4. Inflation: 0.9%
  5. Internet Users: 370.000 [104] (13)
  6. Telephones / Mobile-Cellular: 4.5 mil [81] (12)
  7. Illiteracy: 21.2%
  8. Education Expenditure: 3.3% of GDP [136] (29)
  9. Unemployment Rate: 30% [173] (16)
  10. Languages: 24 major African language groups, English (official), French (official)
  11. Religion Christianity, Islam and animism

*[World ranking]
**(Africa ranking)